Wednesday, August 03, 2005 @ 8/03/2005 11:10:00 PM

Damn just got a phonecall that my aunt died. She got taken to the hospital this afternoon, but it couldn't be helped. She died from internal stomach bleedings. Well she hit a nice age tho (83). Still it's sad to see her go, I have alot of good memories of her. She will be missed. :(

Give it back youu
Monday, August 01, 2005 @ 8/01/2005 03:16:00 PM

Damnit my boss just took away my one and only workin-station available ere. His My laptop. So now im using his pc. damn nothing to do now :( ......hmmmz...unless...lemme check if I can find some porn on it ^^

P.S. @ faisal. Shurrup slag, this layout p00nz :P btw fyi read the title of the site... P.P.S. I need to quit p.sing and stuff like that!!
