Sunday, May 01, 2005 @ 5/01/2005 10:34:00 PM
I really dislike BBC for censoring parts of the movie Indiana Jones. It's just like America. They show everthing from the war in Iraq. Soldiers that are being burnt and hung, soldiers being shot and blown up and all other sort of shocking material, but when f.e. a nipple pops out of someones blouse it has to be all censored. On the other hand, Janet Jackson's nipple was quite shocking indeed.
heheheheh Janet thingy is a photoshop thingy u made :P
naaah found it on the net :P
Frisky- I have to agree with your sentiments about America... it is frustrating to live here with dumbshits that actually support Bush and his crap. He is gonna get our asses blown up- fucking idiot. I HATE BUSH.
Papi- Yeah, don't get me started on the crap that happened with Janet and her stupid nipple, people here are such fucking idiots to spend money and hype over a goddamn NIPPLE
GRRRR!!!!!!!!! Ok, sorry for the rant.
hahaha... that's so true!!! funny, eh? they're so brave to bombs, iraq, all the bloody stuff... but when it comes to nipples that're just so harmless, they're trying to cover it up as much as possible. if you've ever seen Tomb Raider's poster w/ a. jolie's nipples shown, u'r lucky... 'cuz i heard, they photoshoped (erased) the nipples... 'n jolie was so pissed! hahahaha
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