Papigiulio vs the porn
Wednesday, April 13, 2005 @ 4/13/2005 10:27:00 PM

Had quite a relaxing day today at work, just the standard jibberish. Work, relax, work, relax, work, gaming, chatting, relax, lunch, work etc. etc. So while I'm at work I tend to visit some sites that post all kinds of crap. From funny movies to games, and from news to the latest coverage in Maxim and other beautiful girls.

Well today there was a item about a webcam girl. So as usual I checked it out to see what it was all about. But the loading took a while, so instead I continued my work, and after that I had minimized it to the background or something and forgot all about it.

Now, my internship isn't in a office at all. My mate runs his own company from his... well actually his parents house, where I sort of work. Anyways it was 5pm so I had to go to my other work (yes I got 2 jobs, im not that lazy as ya might think), and I closed the lid of the laptop. After that I went to my other work, finished it and then headed home.

As I got home, I started msn, made some grub and came back when suddenly msn notified me that someone else logged in with my msn account. With a surprised look on my face I asked my mate if I accidentally didn't turn off the laptop and if someone was using it. He started laughing and said his father was using it and that he saw the 'porn' movie was running in the background.

Now I'm not really ashamed about that, its a guy thing. It's perfectly healthy for a guy to watch girls, and come on, it's the internet, it's not like you can hide from it nor would I heh, but still... I feel a bit uncomfortable now, cus now he must think that im some sort of porn watching horn dog that only watches porn while at work instead of working sigh. Cooomooon it only consumes 75% of my work time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do surf too

and that msn thingy...muahahhahahahhahaha :)) and do you think it's not a perfect healthy for girls too? ahahah :D :P

12:09 AM  
Blogger Gayl said...

I wouldn't worry about it too much m'dear. I'm sure the father watches just as much porn as you do...and yeah, it's not just a 'guy thing'. *wink*

1:31 AM  

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