Weird night!
Saturday, February 05, 2005 @ 2/05/2005 01:51:00 PM

Had a b'day party last night, but I didn't want to go straight to it, so I asked John to come and shoot some pool with me. As usual I whooped his ass. After a couple of games, we left and headed to the party. I brought my cam with me so I could make a few pictures. Alot of better pictures this time. As usual I had a few beers, and there was alot of food so I had fun. Party ended, went home and got some sleep. But after a few hours I woke up, cus I didn't feel so good, felt like puking and I really hate that! My stomach also hurt like hell, prolly ate something bad. So I got up to drink some water, when I got dizzy and just passed out. Woke up a few hours later on the floor, scratched my knees and smashed a couple of things. My pc case was on its side, guess cus I tripped over it when I fainted. weird weird weird, but luckily im ok now and feel great. But less drinking for me from now on!


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