Good old shit!
Friday, February 04, 2005 @ 2/04/2005 01:05:00 PM
God I'm soooo busy. Have to finish so many things: "websites, flyers, models, movies" etc. etc. Holy shit I just remembered I also have to start on my internship report. damn damn damn, I hate typing reports! Not that im not good at it, actually I'm very good at it. I tend to get soo into it, that I write soo much bollox in it, and still get good grades 4 it. A rare gift that I received from my mom I think.
Got up early this morning to dig up some old tunez to listen to while Im at work. I came up with I believe Deep Dish's first mixalbum Penetrate Deeper. Daaaaaaaamn that album ownz. It's from 1995 and even 10 years later it still ownz bigtime. Oh well back to work!
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