Grootste Nederlander
Tuesday, November 16, 2004 @ 11/16/2004 07:31:00 AM
Man oh man oh man, why? what the fuck for? this is just wrong. After the horrible US-elections, we Dutchies have had an election too. With the same horrible outcome. Looks like we are not so different from the States. People had the opportunity to vote for "Hollands biggest man". Damn that sounded gay! Nah let me put it in other words. All Dutch citizens had the opportunity to vote for a person who had the biggest and most important role in the society in Dutch history! These are the people you could vote from: 1. Pim Fortuyn 2. Willem van Oranje 3. Willem Drees 4. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek 5. Erasmus 6. Johan Cruijff 7. Michiel de Ruyter 8. Anne Frank 9. Rembrandt van Rijn 10. Vincent van Gogh I really cba to explain what each person has done or has achieved. But the winner "Pim Fortuyn" really didn't deserve it. He was a politician who got murdered for his extreme oppinions about foreigners. He just made a stir here in Holland with his oppinions, and that was it. He didn't do shiaaat. Oh well I shouldn't whine tho, cus I didn't vote. Hmmmzzz maybe I should apologize to the world on for it.
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