sad days
Wednesday, November 03, 2004 @ 11/03/2004 06:53:00 PM
The last 2 days are very VERY sad for alot of people. Firstly yesterday, some sick crazy fuck has murdered the famous columnist Theo van Gogh. And I mean really slaughtered him.
It seems that he walked up to Theo and stabbed him, then shot him twice. The victim tried to reach across the street while the sick fuck shot him another time and then sat ontop of him and sliced his fucking throat. After that he stabbed a knife in his chest attached with a letter. Finally some cops showed up and it seemed they engaged into a gunfight, one person got hit, and one cop got shot, when they finally shot him in the legs and could bust him. What the fuck is the world going too.
And another thing, I have to agree with Fais from that America has officially the most MORONS. Which I dont get cus how can you vote for a man as stupid as this
And I don't get this either.
If the entire world vote mostly for Kerry then how come America votes mostly for Bush?? Oh well I'm just pissed cus Bush will definately cause more problems upcomming 4 years. Thnx alot BUSH-voters.
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