Sunday, June 26, 2005 @ 6/26/2005 10:11:00 PM

Went out last night to a party where a m8 of mine had to spin. And except for his spinning skills the party quite SUCKED. The club was half full, even till later in the evening. The speakers weren't connected properly so some jumped on and off at moments, which made it sound horrible. Aaaand there where many guys. I mean it was like one big freaking sausagefest. And the few girls that actually decided to drop by weren't that hot, and the ones that where had issues.

Later that night we started to put some of our moves on the dancefloor, when 2 of the "Better lookin" ladiez came dance next to us. This blonde girl tried to dance but she was just awwwfull and suddenly she accidentally swung her arms and hit me in the cojones. "w00000000000t...the...horror.......s..s..soo..much...pain.......gotta...strangle ..stupid ....blonde ...bimbo..auwaa...". I was left in pain and had almost tears in my eyes and looked at her to get an apology, but instead, she looked at me and put up a arrogant 'miss wotchalookinatimtheprettiest' face. I was like WTF, yes bitch you hurt me....dayamn.

After that my mood to party basically dropped and switched into a 'wanna brawl' mood.


Blogger Raheel Lakhani said...


how does it feel now? still pains LMAO

Have some papigiulio tablets LOL

5:24 PM  
Blogger Papigiulio said...

oi yous guys are mean :(

7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahahahahahahahah :D :))

If i was you I should have given my middle finger to her LOL

of als ik haar was zou ik ... hmmm :D

11:04 AM  

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