Tuesday, January 11, 2005 @ 1/11/2005 11:52:00 AM
Cmon ffs. I'm really really really really happy with my I-pod, I almost take it anywhere with me! There's just one thing I hate about it, and that is the I-tunes music uploader. See you need to import music into your itunes library and itunes will then update it to your mini I-pod. But if you lose your library lists after a format, your library will be empty. so what will it upload? Nothing. So the moment you attach your poddie to your pc it thinks "Hey the library is empty, but hey the I-pod is full with music. Why don't I delete everything just like in the library!" Thank fuck all for who invented that. Now I have to reorganize my library again...sigh. Glad I don't have the 20 gig Ipod tho.
Lol. And I was actually thinking of getting an Ipod. Maybe not now.
Yay! You got your comments page!
Heya welcome luv ;). Well I-pods and mini poddies rock tho its only the i-tunes-system thats screwy.
seriously?? But it makes like 15 different directories, folders called x16, m14 etc.... But gonan try it sometime!
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