A moment of silence
Wednesday, December 29, 2004 @ 12/29/2004 08:21:00 PM
Around 75000 deaths and still counting. Suspects to believe deaths will pass the 100000 rate...sigh... I really have tears in my eyes from what I've seen just a moment ago. Off course I was shocked about the disaster in the asian contintent a few days ago as im shocked with all disasters! But seeing and hearing and reading the eye-witness reports just makes ya realise everything.
"A man tells a news reporter that he lost his wife, his mother, his father and even his 4 daughters. He continues that he has noone left and starts to cry. Another woman tells about how her son tries to rescue her daughter and grandchild who are drowning, he manages to safe them but loses his own life instead!"
These are just 2 of the many other shocking stories! And I would really wanna help those poor victims. Since I can't the only thing we can do to help is donate something. Which I did, and I think everyone should donate something he/she can miss. So donate now bitches!
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